Wednesday, November 25, 2009


If you're wondering why DH has been silent lately, it's because she spends most of her waking hours job hunting, doing courses and volunteering in various housing, disability and local community activities. Being a member of various HNSW committees, DH has found it pretty damn hard to be an independant critic when HNSW staff are so intelligent, nice and well-meaning, and work so hard on so many carefully-thought out policies.

It seems churlish then to complain when innovations don't translate effectively down to the local level. Of course it takes years to develop and implement policies, so being a considerate old houso, DH has been practicing patience, and a wait-and-see attitude.

(Though oddly enough, the ham-fisted "Tenant Fraud Amendment" and the "Ferguson" amendment were brought in practically overnight... But that's NSW Labor's fault ... )

The upshot is that over the years, this diary has gone soft on HNSW. If there is anyone to blame, it goes back to lack of commitment from the state government, especially the terrible right wing ministerial trio of Tripodi, Cherie Burton, and Matt Brown, to abuse and neglect from the Howard Government, (may there memory be blotted out), and sadly, a lack of cohesion, organisation and leadership from amongst tenants.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can empathise with yr point on griping about Departmental housing policy when you are simultaneously trying to establish friendly, working relationships with local bureaucrats.

But here in Victoria, the tenant participation model continues to be based on, at best, top-down community development or at worst, Machiavelli's handbook.