Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sylvia Hale deserts housos for Excellent Middle-Eastern Adventure

Retired NSW Greens Housing Spokesperson to announce ambitious plan to rehouse 7 Million "refugees" in Israel?

All Hale, Sylvia! Saviour of the Fleet
Retired NSW Greens housing spokesperson, Sylvia Hale has apparently accepted a post as Turkey's emissary to Israel.  In a flotilla initiated by Turkish Islamists, she is planning to breach the borders of the only halfway democratic state in the Middle East on a batty crusade to rehouse 7 million so-called Palestinian refugees in a land that is 1/3 the size of Tasmania!

You may recall that during its stimulus package splurge, the Australian Government expended $5 Billion to build just over 19,000 affordable housing units across our vast nation. And that's the most the Lucky Country can afford despite raking in gazillions in mining royalties.  Actually ... whatever happened to that? ...

Yet housing expert Hale obviously has a plan up her sleeve for housing all 7 million of  em'!  DH is waiting with bated breath for its release. If only she had applied such genius to NSW's housing shortage instead of joining this Flotilla of Fools!

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