Sunday, July 25, 2010

1000 apologies for DH's Facebook Snafu

So sorry to the 600 of you who received a Facebook invitation to join Desperate Houso. She only intended to invite 10 of her nearest and dearest fellow battlers.

DH is a trusting soul, and couldn't believe that such high profile company would entrap members so sneakily. Most ethical businesses act on an opt-in system before they riffle thru your address book spamming as they go.

DH was mortified, horrified, and appalled to find herself getting invitations from herself to all her alter email addresses. That's when the penny dropped and she realised that she had unwittingly, with just one click, and with no warning from Facebook sent out invitations to her entire Outlook addressbook, people from all her different worlds, going back to 1996 when she first got online.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, and may Facebook burn in hell.

DH is shutting down her account. Apologies again for having bestirred anyone for no good reason.


matilda said...

So get this. I have never put my personal email address for public view on the INternet and certainly not on Facebook. I have a facebook site under an alias and another internet-based email address on Fbook & anywhere else on the net. Yet I got an 'invitation to join Fbook' to my personal email ac., using my 'real' firstname. When I clicked on the link to unsubscibe from these annoying invasions of privacy, it took me to my fictitously named Fbook site. Seems like there's been some IP hacking going on, what do you think?

DH said...

I think it's all too complex. With companies like google and facebook mergine and buying other companies out, it seems that email address suddenly get linked in ways that we only realise when an alias has been exposed. I'm honestly confused. Unexpected things happen, and with my own proliferation of passwords and addresses, I can't figure out the causal links anymore. One thing that happened is that Facebook sent an invitation to my secret blog address which I can use to post directly to blogs. So the invitation went straight to the blog, and exposed my real identity because the invitation and the invitee had only one friend in common. ie my real name. It was lucky I discovered it and that that blog is defunct, so was unlikely to have been noticed by anyone. Facebook's deliberate obscurantism is reprehensible. However since many people who I never initially invited but who I am very pleased to network with have responded, I'm sticking with facebook for now. However I'm not planning to post much. That's what this blog is for. I am there to see what other people are into.

Andrew Elder said...

So, I received an invite. I only FB people I know, hence I didn't get all hysterical like matilda about merely being invited.

DH said...

So are you going to accept or what? But like I said, don't expect me to post anything much let alone log in. As you may have noticed, I hardly blog anymore let alone FB. I just want to see how big my empire grows...