Wouldn't be much of a diary if there was no entry marking the dispiriting elevation of a wind-up puppet and an overwound monkey to amongst the highest offices in the nation. But the lack of talent and absence of principle from people who should be leaders is all too heartsickening for further comment.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Keneally and Abbott: Wind-up puppet and overwound monkey
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Labor's peculiar notion of justice
Labor has come up with a brilliant and logically incontrovertible new philosophical proposition:
extend injustice equally to all
... starting with the lower classes or course.
The rich will just have to wait their turn ...
- Rent at 30% or more creates housing stress and its attendant evils: depression, debilitation, family breakdown,
Therefore to make social housing fairer, public housing tenants on a wage must as soon as possible have their rent upped to 30% + to be on a par with the unfortunates in private housing - It's racist to humiliate Aboriginals as a class by compulsory income management.
So let's humiliate the Unemployed classes as well. Then it won't be racist anymore.
In the fullness of time, of course, Labor will extend this principal to all Australians. For example, it will be a requirement that half of banking executives salaries are to be paid in the form of Coles vouchers. But Rome wasn't built in a day, so the working class should be patient.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
How much lower can Labor go in its treatment of unemployed Australians?
Bloody hell!
DH's blood is boiling right now, and here is why.
She has been unemployed now since May 2008. And it's not for want of trying. She has applied for hundreds of jobs and been knocked back. And remember that every job app these days requires a complete reconfiguring of the hapless jobseeker's resume, not to mention that it takes a day to answer the host of "selection criteria" which DH reckons are designed to weed out sweet, hardworking modest Cordelias like herself from the shamelessly self-aggrandising Gonerils and Regans of this world.
Now DH has two post-graduate qualifications, a Cert IV in training and assessment, a long list of published articles, and a heap of experience in project management, publishing, admin, office management, programming and analysis, IT, technical writing, communications, mostly in non-profits, and government
And DH has given back heaps to the community, on P&C executives, on HNSW committees, on disability support groups and local community groups.
So how come she can't get a job?
Simple: she
- is over 50
- has a patchy work record having been a carer for a disabled child
- took a gamble and decided to target contract work with the NSW government in the hope that it would eventually pay off as a permanent placement. But then the State Govt employment freeze happened. (And there's a whole article on her friends in the public service who are being expected to do more and more on less and less as colleagues are not replaced when they leave).
But not soon enough to over-ride the bitterness of a year and a half living off $135 a week after rent. And she's one of the lucky ones living in cheap public housing. Her heart bleeds for other Australians who don't have this. How on earth are they surviving?
And just what does the Labor Party expect its traditional supporters, the working class, to spend that $135 on if it's not food and electricity? The basics card is to be spend on clothes??? Who has money left over out of $135 to buy clothes??? And what about telecommunications. Aren't a phone, mobile, and internet access and computer consumables absolute necessities these days? And what about things like annual membership fees, repairs, medical bills, dental work, medications, insurance, and yes, cosmetics. How are you gonna get a job with teeth missing and no lipstick?
DH, btw, is always well dressed, so if you know her, and thinks she's lying about how hard up she has been, here's how she does it: She bloody well had to cash out half her super, which was minuscule in the first place (she was a carer, remember) and now there's practically nothing left.
DH, btw, resigned from the ALP just before the local council elections this year. She figured she was already part of one one despised minority as a houso. She couldn't bear the approbrium of being associated with another as an ALP branch member.
But maybe it's time to rejoin the party as the Ghost of Pre-selectors Past to haunt Tanya and Verity.
It seems churlish then to complain when innovations don't translate effectively down to the local level. Of course it takes years to develop and implement policies, so being a considerate old houso, DH has been practicing patience, and a wait-and-see attitude.
(Though oddly enough, the ham-fisted "Tenant Fraud Amendment" and the "Ferguson" amendment were brought in practically overnight... But that's NSW Labor's fault ... )
The upshot is that over the years, this diary has gone soft on HNSW. If there is anyone to blame, it goes back to lack of commitment from the state government, especially the terrible right wing ministerial trio of Tripodi, Cherie Burton, and Matt Brown, to abuse and neglect from the Howard Government, (may there memory be blotted out), and sadly, a lack of cohesion, organisation and leadership from amongst tenants.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Nicholas Cowdery slams Rees government on Ferguson amendment
Why are they allowing the Daily Telegraph to dictate legislation?
Gittins' slur on age pensioners in public housing
[DH posted the following foaming diatribe to the SMH in response to a remarkably badly pitched and divisive article by Ross Gittins, Jobless fall by the wayside in crusade to harness grey power. Gittins intention was admirable enough. He wanted to lambast Federal Labor for its crocodile tears at the $7.50 rent hike imposed by NSW Labor on the $30 aged pension increase. He was quite right to denounce Jenny Macklin's arrant populism and hypocrisy, when Federal Labor has thrown unemployed people to the wolves. But was it really necessary to paint aged pensioners, especially those silvertail pensioners who live in public housing (!) as greedy and powerful, and add more fuel to populist flames?]
DH wrote (and has now polished):
Normally I'm an admirer of yours, Ross, but how on earth did you become a mouthpiece for the "divide and rule" game, especially when you're not even a member of the ruling class? Why are you sooling the lowest classes, read, the welfare class, to fight amongst themselves like so many desperate gladiators, while the truly wealthy get off scot free?
It's not the greed of pensioners that keeps Newstart at its outrageously low level. $30 is still a pittance. If you must point the finger at the parasites that are fleecing this country, couldn't you start with a plumper, more juicy bunch of bandidos, like bankers or real estate agents or land speculators or something?
You've got a point about Federal Labor though. I'm not an aged pensioner, by the way, but stuck on a barely subsistence level of Newstart, despite being highly qualified and applying for hundreds of jobs, and absolutely outraged at being abandoned by the likes of my local member, Tanya Plibersek, who I used to think so highly of, and whose election I worked towards. Now call this a cliche, but still I'd like to see my former heroine try to live off $130 a week. Not that I don't like Tanya personally, but the class struggle is the class struggle, and we're no longer on the same side.
Going after politicians is fair game, but you won't hear me begrudging pensioners their lousy $30 a week, or pitting those "silvertails" who you reckon live in public housing against the poor beggars living in private rental. It's not housos who caused their plight but greedy speculators and gutless governments who didn't and won't legislate to protect Australian citizen's right to decent, secure and affordable rental housing.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Relocating tenants for populist purposes
Benjamin Franklin would have a fit if he was living in Australia.
Short-sighted populism again from hair-trigger jumpy NSW Labor, perfected by Bob Carr, chip chip chipping away at our essential liberties. (As a perfect example, Verity Firth just today dumped Iemma's and Della Bosca's idiot plan to fine and jail parents of truanting kids. A resounding chorus of "we told you so" from welfare and education groups is in order).
Back to Ferguson: couldn't the same result been achieved, without eroding all our civil liberties, by that other all-purpose impost on tenant's security of tenure, the policy of "relocating tenants for management purposes", which states "As a social housing landlord, Housing NSW has the right to ask any tenant to relocate to another suitable property, identified by Housing NSW, that meets their housing needs.", in other words, "anything goes" or rather "anyone goes if HNSW says they go".
Housing peaks comment on Ferguson amendment
This is a brief comment on the Housing Amendment (Registrable Persons) Bill 2009 by the Tenants' Union of NSW and Shelter NSW. The Tenants' Union of NSW is the State's peak tenants' organisation and specialist community legal centre for landlord-tenant law. Shelter NSW is the State's peak low-income housing policy organisation.
The Bill would allow the tenancies of a specified category of tenants to be terminated, and for those tenants to be evicted, by agreement of the Police Commissioner and the Director-General of the Department of Human Services.
[Note: DH endorses this statement except for the italicised article of faith above. Would that it were so simple!]
The Ferguson amendment
So the ever-reactive NSW Labor government is taking to the Residential Tenancy Act with a shovel at the behest of the mob, who'd cut off their collective legislative nose to spite their neighbour's face.
That said, who wants to have a paedophile, or any crim, for that matter living next door?
Why not some innovative legislation for a change, pairing every crim discovered in public housing, with a crim from the North Shore? Let's demand that a suitable punishment for billionaires who commit tax fraud, money laundering, property theft, or big-time is to be required to billet a low-rent . Maybe even chain 'em together with ankle-braces for public appearances? Maybe one day, if justice is done, we cd even see a former Housing Minister 'tripp'ing along with a small-time stand-over man hobbled to his ankle.
Meanwhile, perhaps a room could be found for Ferguson at the Goanna* mansion?
*Aka the Packer paterfamilias, as described by the Costigan commission into organised crime. The Packer family being DH's favorite candidate for a good mobbing.
Mallard mallets media, mob madness
As Dennis Ferguson gets his own personal piece of legislation, it's worth foregrounding this comment from the ever witty and incisive Garry Mallard, of the National Tenant Support Network. (See it in context below, under the Dennis Ferguson Dilemma)
Garry Mallard writes:
Ferguson is not a "Queensland paedophile" as has been suggested. We are not a nation of closed borders. Nor are we genetically disposed or endemic to any particular state. Ferguson is, if one must apply a label, an Australian paedophile. He is free to live in whatever state/territory he wishes, notwithstanding any travel restrictions that may have been placed upon him as a condition of his parole. Once resident in NSW - and for the purpose of this situation 'resident' can be read as 'present' - he is entitled to apply for public housing in NSW, if he meets the criteria.
The main function of public housing - under current policy - is to house those who, for whatever reason, are unable to find and maintain accommodation in the private sector. Lets see now, a man hunted by media and angry, poorly informed mobs...mobs whose ONLY source of information about Ferguson is the aforementioned and wholly trustworthy media -- a man who has coffins delivered to him and firebombs found in his yard -- a man who "law abiding" citizens have promised to torment, harass and otherwise subject to relentless abuse and attention until they have him out -- a man who, to anyone playing with a full deck of their own, is obviously afflicted with an intellectual disability and mental illness quite distinct from his perverse attraction to children -- a many whom even the Housing Minister and the Premier have sought to see out on his ear...a man who under all these circumstances has absolutely zero chance of finding and maintaining a tenancy in the private sector, and you are thick enough to wonder why he is eligible for public housing?
It's YOU, you and the media with your madness and obsessions, YOU have MADE him the MOST eligible human being in all Christendom! Congratulations, you must feel so proud.
For the record, when he was allocated the home in Ryde it was done in consultation with numerous agencies whose job it was to 'support' him. For support, read "watch" and monitor him. Here's a reality check for the people of Ryde. Until the moment you assembled your mobs and started to complain, you were, on balance of probability, safer from his perversions than any other community in the nation. That's not to say your community was immune from the influence of paedophiles in general - they were doubtless among your mates in the mob. But safe from Ferguson. Why? Ferguson has the highest profile of any criminal in Australia. People are not just watching him, they are actively looking for excuses to put him away again. Let me just point out here, that it's a matter of record that he has been lumbered with a number of charges since his release from prison, all of which he was acquitted of. Sloppy police work no doubt, but I digress... He enjoys a level of infamy not seen for many years and for this reason, should he be driven to offend again, surly he's unlikely to do it on his own doorstep? Isn't it more likely he'll offend somewhere where police won't knock on his door before looking elsewhere? Of course it is! If he is going to offend again, it will be somewhere other than Ryde.
I'm stunned to think that anyone thinks finding digs for him in the boonies, far from schools -- and children for that matter -- offers any sort of security. Do they think him too stupid to buy a train ticket, or board a bus? Has a phobia about public transport and Taxis I've not read about, does he?
If people don't like his ilk, they should lobby for tougher sentencing, or the return of the death penalty -- it matters little which, but it does matter that they should have the courage of their convictions and work to develop social policy to address their concerns. Mobs spoon fed every 'fact' by the least reliable source of information in the cosmos - the media - should not be permitted to engage in this process however, for they have already proven themselves too gullible; too stupid to be trusted with such a weighty responsibility.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Frontline Housing NSW staff pay cut again
While job hunting on SEEK about a week ago, DH noticed that Housing NSW was advertising again for "strong-minded" staff, i.e. counter staff.
But their already miserable hourly rate has been cut since February from $23 to $20!
DH commented on this with dismay back then under the heading:
Wanted by D'oH: Strong minded social workers prepared to work for $23ph.
It's a sad commentary on how wages are being driven down as unemployment goes up. Pity the working class, with Centrelink whipping them from behind to force them to accept whatever employers feel like dishing out, and with a broken union movement and a toothless Labor party.
Spotless Inc, shoddy contractors, make dogs breakfast of maintenance program
DH lives in a street that HNSW is currently repainting for the 3rd time in 4 years, despite that the houses were built of paint impregnated boards that were not supposed to be painted in the first place. (But having been painted once, will have to be repainted evermore).
This second repaint is because the first lot of contractors did such a terrible job just 2 months ago.
What a terrible waste of money, for a job that didn't need to be done in the first place, didn't need to be repeated just 4 years later, and was done in some cases in a colour that jars with the existing look of the buildings, thus cheapening their value even further. Makes you wonder whether the contractors managed to get a cheap joblot of paint somewhere
And it's no use complaining, apparently that the money could have been spent on things we really need. Apparently, with the "New Maintenance Program", money is locked in for specific purposes, in this case, presumably to give jobs to painting contractors who do not appear to have got any trade qualifications whatsover.
Who are these people, who descend on our houses, hacking, botching, and smearing their way through publicly owned property?
Is there some kind of black market exploiting recent migrants?
DH had to have her bathroom floor replaced, and when HNSW inspected, the job was so poorly done that they demanded it be redone
Since the stimulus package spend, every job DH has had done has had to be redone!
What's going on? Is it just DH's karma? Was she perhaps a jerry-builder in her past life? Or are we looking at a systemic problem?
Samples of contractor's handiwork
Disclaimer for the downwardly envious: If the money saved on this shoddy work was going to be used to rehouse one of the homeless, DH would gladly have done without.
DH wants to make clear that it is not HNSW's fault. They are trying to put things right. Actually DH has asked not to have the jobs redone as it's not worth the expense and further disruption. She is not that house-proud, and there are more urgent uses for the money elsewhere. Perhaps there are not enough skilled tradespeople around for the huge amount of stimulus work?
It's the Class Struggle, Baby
After seeing the heart-breaking circumstances of homeless families living in trashy, exorbitantly priced motels, ($900 forked out weekly by HNSW!), forced to pack up weekly and move out to apply for another weeks tenure, or being exploited by ratbag landlords, DH feels really bad.
Perhaps she should rename the blog and stop claiming to be desperate? Compared to those people she is in heaven.
Should she complain about poor maintenance and HNSW inefficiency, for instance, when other people are in such desperate circumstances?
But she will resist the temptation to feel guilty.
When the Packer family, say, and all their free-loading cronies feel guilty enough to start paying taxes, then she'll shut up.
When the Labor party hits these wealthy parasite and hits them hard, then she might consider feeling guilty about having a roof over her head.
In these dire circumstances those in power, will be hoping that the poor can be divided and ruled, will be stupid enough to squabble amongst themselves over a few crumbs, while the rich go on being baled out, and allowed to speculate and carry on as before.
DH will continue to insist on speaking out critically on behalf of those who have managed to get a toehold in housing, however tenuous.
Yes, Virginia, there is a class struggle, and its getting pretty naked out there at the moment.
These people doing it tough are not Howard's euphemistic "battlers". They are simply the Australian working class, and the sooner "Labor" wakes up to whose interests they're meant to be protecting, the better.
4 Corners: Last Chance Motel: Whose fault?
Anyone who watched this heartbreaking ABC doco about homeless families in NSW must be wondering: how can this have happened in a wealthy country like ours?
The fact that the Howard Government did nothing about Housing for 11 years cd have something to do with it.
Should Howard, and his Clayton's Housing Ministers (there was no housing ministry), be compelled to face a few restorative justice sessions with some of the 150,000 victims of his neglect? Guess he was too busy bashing the poor to give them a "hand up", let alone a hand out.
Then there are the immigration quotas of 168,000 per annum: where are these people going to live? Oh, yeah, 38 to a bedroom... Now there's a solution...
And now Labor cuts $750 million out of the Housing stimulus package while the silvertail schools get another paint job. There go 800 houses, which would house, (guesstimating), 2,400 people.
But according to some ninny who wrote into the ABC's comments page, one homeless couple have only themselves to blame because they were doing a TAFE course instead of running around like lunatics looking for non-existent jobs.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Dennis Ferguson Dilemma
Both David Borger and today Barry O'Farrell have been grandstanding on this issue. You have to feel sorry for them, because whichever way you look, there are no easy answers, but leading populist stampedes, and giving aid and comfort to lynch mobs does neither of them credit.
Predictably, the vigilante role of the gutter press is despicable. How's this for a title from the Daily Telegraph: " Paedophile: Beware of the devil Dennis Ferguson next door"
DH Comments on SMH Website here
Public Housing tenants in my experience are extraordinarly understanding, patient with and tolerant of their troubling neighbours, despite the fact that public housing estates have become dumping grounds for mentally ill people, drug addicts, and released prisoners, without sufficient investment in support services for them. Part of the reason is a decade's neglect of public housing by the Howard Govt, [who over its tenure ripped $3 billion out of the Commonwealth State Housing Agreement which funds the states social housing programs, and led to the current triage policy targetting housing to "those most in need"]. Partly it's the red tape associated with setting up the necessary support services, with years of pilot projects and evaluation reports. Nevertheless we as tenants understand better than most, and accept with good grace, that everyone has a right to accommodation.
There is no easy answer, but a decent society will not get off on hounding a few unfortunates while taking a "beggar my neighbour" approach, ie refusing to pay the taxes that support adequate solutions.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Labor betrays the unemployed
Wasn't the Labor party supposed to be kinder to "battlers" than the Liberals?
Yet Kafkalink has hardly changed since Labor got into power. It's as punitive as ever, despite the fact that we now have a projection of 140,000 long term unemployed thanks to the global financial meltdown.
The weekly unemployment benefit for the victims of the global financial crisis remains at just $226 per wk, plus a small rent allowance.
How is anyone supposed to live off this? If ever the "deserving poor" deserved more, it's now!
Yet Labor did not see fit to boost this paltry sum in the last budget. Why not? Because they can get away with it. Because they have chosen the easy path of pandering to the downward envy of the resentful classes, in the hope of staying a percentage point ahead in the polls.
And then there was the rat-baggery of denying the long-term unemployed the $900 stimulus bonus, when they are the ones who needed it most, and would have spent it quickest to bail out local small businesses.
And just who are the long-term unemployed anyway? Mostly people with marginal disabilities, who are perhaps a bit slow, physically or mentally, or perhaps are mildly autistic and lack the social skills to "sell themselves" in a competitive market. Maybe they suffer from complex chronic conditions, poorly controlled depression/ anxiety, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue and the like, . And of course, being over 45 is a disability in its own right when it comes to finding a job. And these are the poor wretches who are denied the disability pension, in the name of saving the Treasury a measly $100 a fortnight.
And what is Julia Gillard, the Minister for Inclusion, doing lately about "including" unemployed people when they can't even afford the bus fare to the nearest community centre? The poor buggers don't even qualify for the Pensioner Excursion fare!
PS. Not that the disability pension is anything to get too excited about. After all the hoo-haa about the "massive" boost to pensions in the last budget, it's still only $285 per week.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Gutless Labor does nothing while banks gorge on pensions

When is Federal Labor going to show some guts, and prevent the banks from charging impoverished pensioners $30 - 40 when their pension comes in too late to cover a direct debit of $10?
If nothing else, DH hopes that you will never look at a certain bank's logo in quite the same way again. Once again, they've taken $30 out of the miserable $120 a week she has to live on after rent, because her $40 quarterly insurance was taken out on midnight of the night she only had left $20 in her account.
Monday, July 27, 2009
1300 HOUSING endangering residents?
Is 1300 HOUSING's lack of an emergency line endangering residents?
[This item has been revised due to a prescient if somewhat Hobbesian insight from a commentator (see below) who writes "... if an "Emergency" line was created, then you'd wait just as long on that as you do in the regular "Maintenance" line? An "Emergency" is the opinion of the caller...". "Anonymous" has a point. Accordingly, DH now offers this anecdote only as a footnote for the historians on the teething problems of 1300 HOUSING.
In a further development, DH hears that 1300 HOUSING's performance is improving with time, and congratulates HNSW]
DH has heard the following story from a neighbour. Now DH can't completely vouch for the common sense of the neighbour, but all the more reason to be worried...
The neighbour, lets call her Mrs X, claims she smelled gas leaking in her kitchen
Mrs X tried to get through to HNSW but the line was busy.
Mrs X next rang her commercial gas company, but they wanted her to fork out $85 which she did not have, so the gas company suggested she ring Housing to make an arrangement for payment... Meanwhile presumably the house was filling up with fumes...
Now panicking, Mrs X abandoned the house, and hopped on the next bus to Broadway office to sort it all out, a good 45 minute trip...
Pity the rest of us in the street if the house had blown up in the meantime!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Planet 1300 HOUSING
Planet Housing NSW breaks free of its earthbound moorings and into the realm of pure theory
Correction: Your local office can still be contacted if you ring their original number. You will then end up on the 1300 HOUSING line. Choose option 3. If you're lucky and the line is not busy, you may get through. Then again, you may wait up to 20 minutes and end up with the call centre anyway. Well, it's finally happened!
Housing NSW has now disappeared behind the 1300 HOUSING smokescreen.
And despite 1300 Housing's proud KPI of "every call answered in 3 minutes", a claim always taken with a grain of salt, DH has been trying for an hour to get through.
1st, a 20 minute wait before cut off. Then 3 cutoffs in a row. "Please try again later"...

Now with the New Maintenance Program's $Millions and its brave new efficiency measures, all that appears to be gone down the gurgler
And on the phone line, there is no option to sort the "Emergency" sheep from the "General Maintenance" goats.
DH has always hypothesised that communications in and out of Broadway Office
disappear into the Broadway Arm of the Bermuda Triangle.
Now it seems that the office itself has been sucked up into the ether.
Why is DH trying to ring HNSW anyway?
About a year ago, DH noticed that the bathroom floor was rotting and had begun to subside. Finally with the new maintenance money, it was replaced. But the plumbers who disconnected everything have not been back to reconnect the water since the job was completed last Tuesday. Daily calls to the Spotless foreman yielded promises to call back which never happened. Now the foreman has been replaced, and she doesn't have the new guy's number. DH would like to know what's happening. And as a concerned citizen, she would like to know if anyone is monitoring Spotless' performance. There are ungenerous mutterings from tenants asking if HNSW has given Spotless a licence to print money.
1300 HOUSING on http://twitter.com/desperatehouso
Yeah, almost as boring as sitting next to a phone for an hour.
(This post is forward dated tho the events happened on the 6th)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
DH bales out
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Correction: CTTT and water arrears
DH apologises for the story below. She got her facts wrong. Water rates are capped only for tenants who have no separate water meter. For those with a separate water meter, the charge is based on actual water usage, and can add up to more substantial amounts. And she has heard that the 600+ termination notices included but were not limited to water arrears. The real story is far more nuanced than she at first believed.
As originally published 20 May 2009
Can you believe that in the quarter to Dec 2008, the Department of Housing hauled over 600 tenants before the CTTT (the rental tribunal), just for falling behind on water rates?
According to the Brown Couch, the Tenants Union's blog:
Housing NSW made ... 633 applications for orders terminating the tenancies of public housing tenants for failure to pay water usage charges. Private sector landlords made no such applications – not a single oneWhat sort of arrears are we talking about to invoke the fearsome penalty of eviction?
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Why not just shoot the unemployed?
A modest proposal
The Federal Budget makes abundantly clear that despite all Australia's rich natural resources, wealth and creativity, 1 million Australians and their families are excess to requirements and can just bugger off.
Wayne Swan reckons we need to brace ourselves for a cool million unemployed. And they'll find themselves having to scratch by on $227 a week.
Let's face it, the nation can't afford to keep them on a living stipend, so why not show some kindness and put them out of their misery?
Most of the unemployed are a complete waste of space anyway, aren't they? Government figures show that 1/3 of 'em have a mental health problem. How unappealing!
Sure, we need to keep a few tame depressives on hand, a few Gary MacDonalds and Rebecca Gibneys to trot out at Logies and Black Dog fundraisers, but what's the point of the rest of 'em?
But wait! If all the non-singing, non-dancing mentally-ill are not just faking it, why aren't they on the Disability Pension? Possibly because they didn't even have the nous to show up to Centrelink's Work Capacity Assessment in a wheelchair, drooling.
Then there are those other wastrels, the over 50's. Thanks to the ever receding retirement horizon, unproductive boomers can now look forward to another couple of decades of fortnightly disciplining by surly Centrelink Gen-Y's.
Have these bludgers forgotten the lessons of Anzac Day already? Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori
How sweet and right it is to die for your country. So why can't they do the right thing? Why not encourage them to jump off tall buildings in tidy batches? Think of all the jobs it would create for street sweepers,funeral directors, fertilizer manufacturers, ambulance-chasers, and more.
Oh, you think it's not their fault that they're unemployed? You think there are systemic reasons for unemployment?
What are you, some kind of Communist?
Friday, May 01, 2009
Swine-led recovery?
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Public Housing design worries
The Federal government has reversed the housing neglect of the Howard years with their new housing stimulus package. NSW has been allocated about $2 billion for new housing. Let's hope Housing NSW are not running around like headless chooks, because they've got just 2 years to spend the 2 bill on 6000 new housing units.
DH is worried that everyone is talking about getting max buildings for the buck, but no-one seems to be talking about design.
Housing NGO's are pre-occupied with economic and social welfare issues, and noone is talking architecture. Yet that is what affects houso's lives most.
Is Housing NSW consulting with stakeholders at all?
Who are the designers? What are their guidelines?
I lost Rudd's $900 bonus on the Bells Line of Road
[Not really whining... writing a footnote for the social historians on how the NSW government screws the last drop of money out of ordinary citizens]
Sometimes DH could swear that she is nothing more than the State's way of making money out of the Commonwealth.
There goes a good bit of Rudd's $900 on this godforsaken downhill stretch at Bellbird Hill. And that must be the goddamn sign DH missed while blithely following the traffic downhill.
Now DH is one of the slowest drivers in NSW. On the Christmas Holidays, she was the one you were banked up behind all the way down the south coast. In 30 years of driving, she has never had a speeding ticket in her life, nor virtually any other infringement. In fact the only thing she has ever been stopped for is by anxious young police officers inquiring if she is ill, given how cautiously she drives. But they say this is a notorious stretch for fleecing motorists. But not only that. DH hasn't owned a car for years, can't afford it, but being the pioneering soul she is, she joined a car-share scheme. Who'dda thought these new fangled cars could be so light. Or that there'd be cameras springing up everywhere???
But worse was yet to come: this plus another 2 incidents, another minor speeding in the same car, a week earlier, and then wandering into some T-way while lost in the wilds of Kellyville where she'd gone to replenish her failing spirits by roaming around MacMansion Land ... no wonder the poor bloody woman was disoriented ... talk about culture shock ... being in this alien environment both she and her daughter had massive anxiety attacks as they found themselves in a time warp constantly going around the same 3 roundabouts amongst pseudo roman mansions that all looked the same while desperately trying to get back to civilisation ... and now her licence is gonna be suspended for 3 months!
But dammit. She's a good driver who is cautious, doesn't drink, take drugs, or even smoke and has never even had a prang, except maybe occasionally while reversing into a neighbours car, and its all because of the greed of the RTA, a private corporation registered in the USA, would you believe???, so they can mispend our money on idiot schemes like the Dual Carriageway on the Iron Cover Bridge
OH, NEVER MIND! She's copping it sweet, and there goes the bonus, except she's already spent it by doing the right thing by her local hair salon, the phone bill, the mobile bill, the internet bill, the pharmacist, the car share bill, oh, and the neighbour's dented mudguard...
Boo hoo.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Greetings Housos, we have come to train you!
One of the joys of unemployment at DH's age and level of infirmity is that you get to do a lot of fun courses to prepare you for jobs that you are unlikely to get because of age and disability discrimination.
The objectives are to:
- round up a bunch of people with some native talent for teaching
- teach them to gibber in incomprehensible bureaucratese
- discipline them into course-delivery robots
- turn them loose to replicate
Why can't they learn from Dr Who. One blast of the electron gun, and your brain is rehoused in a shiny new cyberman outfit.
Tramp tramp tramp. Target Learning Objective. Obliterate independent thought. Deliver Learning Outcome. Tramp tramp tramp. Evaluate Performance Criteria. Obliterate obliterate obliterate. Objective accomplished.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
4F: Family First F*wit Fielding
Any chance of electors getting our cash back on this joker?
DH is increasingly horrified by a democracy that allows idiots to flourish.
And nothing is more idiotic than an idiot who believes himself to be on a mission from God.
Who voted for this idiot anyway?
... On second thoughts, there can obviously be such a thing as too much cleverness.
Oh alright, so idiots have always flourished... but never with such a sense of entitlement.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Renovate this!
[Update Nov 20. 6 kitchen floor tiles, the rotting window frame, and the subsiding bathroom floor have now been replaced. Thank you HNSW!]
Thanks to the Labor government for the $130 million to maintain our homes and prop up our economy. And lest we forget, thanks for reversing the 12 years of housing neglect by the Howard Government.
Meanwhile in public housing in NSW there has been no money for years for anything but emergency maintenance, and stock has run down.
Here's an example just from DH's place, which is only about 25 years old.
The list includes: a subsiding bathroom floor, dry rot in the windows and door frames, poor quality carpet fraying everywhere, perished kitchen flooring, subsiding kitchen cabinets, no insulation under a hot tin roof windows that won't open, water damaged architraves.
To be honest, DH is so grateful to have a place at all that she is not much bothered. As Capitalism slides down the gurgler, being houseproud hardly seems like a priority.
Friday, March 06, 2009
How "Labor" treats the unemployed
The unemployed are the most stereotyped, stigmatised and reviled group in Australia.
- chronically sick
- moderately disabled
- low-level mentally ill
- near pension age and unemployable due to age discrimination
And to add the 'Labor' government's irrationality to injury, these are the people who would have turned over the money most quickly! While those whose fancy lawyers and tax minimisation schemes reduce their income to $100,000 will not only receive the money, but can squirrel it away to do the economy no good at all!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ham Hocks' geniality disguises vacuity
How disappointing that the SMH's normally endearingly acrid Annabel Crabb has turned to sickening mush over Joe Hockey's "genial" personality.
Ham Hock's performance on Q&A last week left DH foaming at the mouth. She found him neither cute nor lovable nor funny. What she saw was an overconfident buffoon hogging the limelight, while having absolutely nothing of substance to say.
We're talking about the greatest crisis this country has faced since the Great Depression. If you're going to have the gall to drown out the other panellists it's not enough to be a likeable joe. It helps to have something constructive to say.
What is it about the Joes anyway? Hockey and Tripodi - two of a kind, the class attention seekers who play up in the front row. But all their capering and clowning can't hide the fact that they haven't done their homework.
If HamHocks keeps carrying on like this, he may become DH's new poster boy for the Banality of Evil.
CEC not welcome here
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
So you think you can dance your way out of hypercapitalist bust?
Role Model?

And then you will be exploited and discarded.
DH was nearly sick with disgust when she watched an episode of "So you think you can dance".
Thank god her leaning disabled child who wouldn't harm a flea said she wouldn't watch another episode because she can't bear to watch people being hurt.
It makes you wonder who has a "disorder". All the cheering young things who have some saleable gifts which they can't wait to offer up for exploitation, or the learning disabled who will never get applauded, or rewarded for having nothing to give but love. And who will be forced btw to get by on a miserable pittance of about $500 a fortnight, when their support needs are so much more expensive than those of the able-bodied who can make their own way.
These shows are turning our young people into servile morons.
The Biggest Loser
Now this is pure porn and takes our minds off the truly fat and ugly, those who consume most of the world's wealth, and can afford anorexic young women to make them look good.
Friday, February 20, 2009
DH's Housing Recovery Plan: Musical Houses
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Is Hockey the best they can do???
Sadly, DH got it wrong in her entry Hockey's Last Stand: A Buffoon Capers to Oblivion
Read also DH's brief encounter with Joe at Howard govt housing inaction still coming home to roost
Not a lot of talent in the Libs is there?
Friday, February 13, 2009
Underpaid Housing staff comment
In Victoria Office of Housing staff are known to be paid at the lowest rate on the State Public Service Award. Yet their caseloads are just as described in the ad you've reprinted from NSW. When I talked to the CPSU official responsible for public housing staff a couple of years ago he said that their workloads were basically unmanageable and that he was worried about the psycho-emotional health of some of his OH staff.
This week an OH worker told me that all the rent rebate reviews which were due to be processed by Nov 23, '08 were still underway (the new rebate system has everyone's rent fixed for an identical 6 month period, so they all have the same processing date).
But ultimately pay and conditions should be lobbied on by the CPSU. Could it be that the union's ties to Labor are impeding their capacity to be a robust union? I wonder how these examples from NSW & Vic compare to other states?
There's no doubt that public tenants would benefit from having better paid & qualified staff.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
D'oH recruitment drive stalls 5 months on
Wanted by D'oH: Strong minded social workers prepared to work for $23ph
Any takers for this lucrative career opportunity with D'oH? Any "social workers" prepared to work for $23 an hour? What does "strong minded" mean exactly? Does that $23 include a "strong-mindedness" bonus to explain the largesse Don't forget that $23 doesn't include sick pay or holiday pay DH's learning disabled child's first menial job pays $21 an hour! With this kind of offer, no wonder all the you beaut things dreamed up in head office never get implemented down at the branch offices. Dept of Housing - Client Services Officer - Northern Shores Department of Housing requires customer service rep for their office in the Northern Shores $23 Our client requires a strong minded and experienced customer service representative preferably with a background in social work or community care to assist with managing a portfolio of clients. Your role will be to manage your portfolio of clients while under the guide and with support from your team leader to ensure you provide high level customer service while juggling a large workload of differing priorities. You will work in small, friendly and supportive team and where your days will be varied with tasks such as Counter Service, Office Administration and Client Visits. While the role is a temporary position there is a lot of potential to possibly advance your career within the department. Located close to Buses. Paying $23 P/H your duties will include but won't be limited to:
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
No additional funding to house bushfire victims
Monday, February 09, 2009
Bubbles' r 'us, or, the Banality of Greed (from the Brown Couch)
What's a $Billion here or there?
DH hopes that her old Political Economy lecturer, Prof Frank Stilwell, will straighten her out about the global financial crisis this Friday at Politics in the Pub. Alas all she recalls of from her days as a student of Economics is the Golden Rule as expounded to all first year PE students at Sydney Uni The Golden Rule of Economics Whoever has the gold, makes the rules
Still, she avers, that is all ye need to know, other than its corrollary, never be intimidated by economic jargon.
DH looks forward to meeting followers of the Diary on the night, though she regrets that she will not be wearing a lobster on her head for easy identification